海外クライアント企業様向け中長期的サポートメニュー「Friend Like Us 〜For Japan Marketing〜」提供開始のお知らせ

海外クライアント企業様向け中長期的サポートメニュー「Friend Like Us 〜For Japan Marketing〜」提供開始のお知らせ

<*Followed by English & Chinese translation.>

UUUM株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役 社長執行役員 兼 CEO:鎌田 和樹、以下、UUUM)は、日々刻々と変化し続ける市場環境と向き合う 海外クライアント企業様のニーズに、中長期的かつ最適なサポートでお応えするための新たなメニュー「Friend Like Us ~For Japan Marketing~」(以下、「Friend Like Us」)の提供を開始いたします。

海外クライアント企業様へ向けた新たなメニューである「Friend Like Us ~For Japan Marketing~」では、より踏み込んだサポートとして、商品やサービスに関する分析、市場分析、インフルエンサーの傾向分析などを中長期的に行うことにより、クライアント企業様に高度にカスタマイズしたプランを提供することが可能となります。

「Friend Like Us ~For Japan Marketing~」について

◇ メニュー概要

◇ コンセプト

世界的に広く認知される ”Ninja” のように多種多様な技術や手法を用いることができる「Friend Like Us」(UUUMというパートナーの存在)によって、海外クライアント企業様が直面する本質的な課題を、一括で中長期的に解決することを目的として、本メニューを提供いたします。

◇ 強み


◇ サポート事例





UUUM株式会社 コーポレートサイト
UUUM クリエイターサイト
UUUM note


<English ver.>

Announcing a New Offering: Mid- to Long-term Campaign Support for Our International Clients via our「Friend Like Us 〜For Japan Marketing〜」Program

UUUM Co., Ltd.(Located in Tokyo’s Minato-ku and led by President, CEO Kazuki Kamada, referred to below as UUUM)has developed a new selection of offerings titled “Friend Like Us ~For Japan Marketing~”, in order to meet the needs of our international client companies facing the ever-shifting market landscape by providing customized mid- to long-term support.

Currently, we have been providing supports on promotions utilizing a large number of influencers to address various requests from client companies.
Through "Friend Like Us ~ For Japan Marketing ~", our new menu for overseas clients, we are able to offer more in-depth support, product and service research, market surveys, trend/influencer cataloguing and outreach, etc., towards companies with medium or long-term Japan market entry plans. Through this new offering, it will be possible to provide our clients with highly customized plans according to their exact requests and specifications.

About ”Friend Like Us ~For Japan Marketing~”

◇ Menu Overview

◇ Concept

With a Friend Like Us (representing UUUM’s partnership), we seek to fully draw from our varied skills and methods on behalf of our clients, similar to the “ninja”, renowned and recognized across the world for their boundless dedication. We have developed this menu for the purpose of solving the substantial issues faced by our clients over longer marketing activations and campaigns.

◇ Our Strengths

We have gained knowledge and experience from an extensive number of marketing cases, and in anticipation of the rapidly changing market environment, we are conducting daily research on the characteristics and strengths of the dominant and growing social media platforms as well as the newest offerings in terms of utilization methods.
We are skilled in analyzing Japanese advertising menus, and breaking them down so clients from other regions can easily grasp them, as well as regularly benchmark results within each industry, and list up creative trends suitable for each product or service, all of which can be done upon client request.

◇ Case Studies

Client Company:Global Game Publisher
Planning and execution of sponsored contents, community analysis and management, event creation and operation, social media operation, localization of assets and press releases, allotment of budget among various ongoing projects, creative asset production, etc.

Client Company:Global Game Publisher
Planning and execution of sponsored contents, event creation and operation, game tournament creation and operation, social media operation, localization of assets and press releases, creative asset production, etc.

UUUM will continue to strive to face the shifting market environment and progressively expand its offerings of creator and influencer-focused activities to solve the pressing needs of our clients.

UUUM Co., Ltd. Corporate Site (English)
<Contact Us>


<Chinese ver.>

「Friend Like Us 〜For Japan Marketing〜」为海外企业客户提供中长期合作方案

UUUM Co.,Ltd. (总公司:Minato-ku,Tokyo,代表取締役 社長執行役員 兼 CEO:鎌田 和樹,以下简称为UUUM)针对海外企业客户需求,在面对无时无刻都在变化的市场环境当中,开始提供中长期最合适的新解决方案「Friend Like Us ~For Japan Marketing~


而为海外企业客户所提供的新推广服务「Friend Like Us ~For Japan Marketing~」,是透过更进一步的支持,包含产品服务分析、市场分析、KOL营销趋势分析等等中长期的合作,为企业客户量身打造,提供高度定制化合作方案。

关于「Friend Like Us ~For Japan Marketing~」

◇ 服务概要

◇ 设计概念

像是在全世界被广为认知的"忍者"一样,透过能够利用各式各样技术与手法的「Friend Like Us」(UUUM的支持),提供一站式中长期解决方案,解决海外企业客户所面临的本质问题。

◇ 优势


◇ 合作案例







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